Poems from students

Respect for Ethiopian farmers

Anania Afework

When God created Adam from the very beginning

Sinned he and fell from Heaven down to the ground

Go and eat the plants of the field with the sweat of your brow,

Then Adam started digging and turning over the earth,

Nature provides its hidden treasure and fills the house of Adam with abundance of fruits

The agriculture science, the fruit of their knowledge,

Farmer is an elite, the manifestation of knowledge.

Farmer is the hope, the reflection of a strong and hard-working personality.

Farmer is love, the symbol of togetherness

Who feeds all of us with a bread of truth,

But because of our vain languages, farmers means illiterate, synonymous with backwardness, and yet

As we disregard his effort and lowering his value, we also disrespect and deny our value;

Hear me up brother, Hear me up my sister  

Farmer is ingenious, like the grand creator

The one who loves nature and work with it in harmony

The one who falls in love with sun and cloud in the sky,

A person of excellence and never tried to produce and feed all of us.

So my brother and my sister incline you ears and put it in your heart;

You are the farmer and the soil is your heart

Plant the good seed in the soil of your heart;

So for you to harvest better future ahead.

Sowing the seeds for an organic future

We, who are engaged in the development by plough

Harvest bulky crop

How are you my citizen?

Owners of the wide resource.

Utilizing the natural compost, which insure crop vegetation

Implementing crop rotation, to protect crop diseases

Eco green!  Liquid fertilizer

Welcome! Best Ambassador

Let we use cultural methods to produce crops

Let we use cultural methods to protect crops

By mixing ginger and garlic, to control pest

Why we have been suffering from chemical expenses, which has been arming our health?

I committed with cultural methods, which eliminate crop pests.

GFF, foundation of development team

Which is committed to natural system production, to feed the crops fat to peoples

Why always the fat from animals, now we enable to feed fat from the crops  

This is the foundation which now we should stand with, as it has no obstacles to growth the country.

Most of Ambassadors are coming from Switzerland, to insure organic development support pull-up 

And now we the graduates are initiated to develop organic products through producing

 Horticulture products and all other crops variety, we are dedicate to work hard to realize our initiation

Yes! To realize our vision, we will meet together this winter

We are actively raise up to produce horticulture products

Such as lettuce and potatoes, eggplant and habesha cabbage

Onions and hot peppers, carrot and beet root

We the active graduates, Qerro and Qarre (male and female), get stand together.

We will expand our product to banana and Orange

Papaya and lemon, more and more horticulture.

How are you our audience? Get strong the livestock producers

We are faithful to harvest more organic crops, like maize and wheat

Sorghum and barley, soy beans and bean including peas

Which will enable us to collect foreign exchange

We would like to thank GFF teams, who are working to improve country’s poverty 

I as the citizen also pledge to improve the country poverty more than my privacy

I also commit to support our challenging economy with foreign exchange hindrances

As it has been said by our community “It is only a metal which can sharpen a metal”.

Our audience! We need to pray not eat inorganic product

Which will affect our health in few years and kill us after 70 year.

It is from now that you must awake up to organic product

Awarded more about organic product and devote to produce thus we save our health.

We the graduates have travelled to east and west of the country

To learn more experience of organic products, which has created great future vision among us.

Why GFF effort to promote organic product is only this, we have travelled to visit different farms.

We have travelled to butajira and shashamene where we learn organic developments

We have travelled Holeta and awash Melkessa where we learn practical organic development

We have visited different farms like genesis and other farms     

To insure our business project success, we had done number of work

We realized the business project challenge, well coming for business plan presentation

 Now we are enough ready, to start and make success our project

We will harvest and collect our product value, which will contribute to family life improvement.

We will take the product to market, if we need to feed we will buy the basket

 If we will take the product to market, we came back to home with full pocket

We seriously follow the post-harvest activity, to assure the organic product quality

Sorting, grading, washing and packing, which are take our organization on top ranking

It is in this way that we export and deliver quality product, which respect our customers need  

And expand our customer demand, which we inspire with to feed our generation what we have tasted.

Let we teach and create awareness on organic product development, to face the challenge

To empower the nation to the organic product, to insure coming generation initiation 

Our last third years teachers Dareje and Hailu

Who did not asked the compensation, to upgrade our skill

We have great thanks to you, for all effort you realize to us

Few of my friends, who are working hard always

Fikadu Shewangizaw and Samuel Tefera “the door clock clock and light is absent “is your unforgotten memory.

Most of my classmate that I would like to say hi, Bogele Dabale and sheferawu Akililu

Boshu Kulle and Gadisa Negawo, Demte Niguse and chala Tesema

Reta soresa and Alex katele, Desta Beshawu and liyuwork Milko

Fenet lemma and Meskerem zeleke, chaltuTufa and Hana Hailu.

Biniam Tsegaye and Anania Afework, Fitsum Alitakem and Miherat pumpkin 

Those of my classmate who I forget to call, Please apologies me hence I am in hurry

To realize my vision that we promised together, I am in hurry to be champion of race

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Green Flower Foundation
Rue de Rive 13
1204 Genève
CH11 0839 0034 5975 1000 7